Monday, May 19, 2008


This past weekend my best friend, and neighbor got married in Dallas. It was an all weekend event. We started out with a Bridal brunch early Friday morning, followed by an afternoon getting manicures and pedicures. That evening we headed to the church for rehearsal and then on to dinner at Abuelo's. Saturday we woke up and started getting ready, I did her hair and another bridesmaid did the rest of the bridal party, we all just hung out at Jenni's house and relaxed till it was time to go to the church. We got to the church, changed and took pictures, and before we knew it, it was time to start. Jenni and I have been friends ever since the day she moved in next door to me, she is so special to me. I knew her husband before she met him, he was on my brothers ball team, and is such a sweet guy. They met in high school and the rest is history. The wedding was a lot of fun, most of the bridal party was the group of guys and girls that we hung out with in high school and a lot of old friends were there... here are a few pictures from throughout the weekend.

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