Wednesday, August 4, 2010

1 Month

On Monday I turned one month old! Mom and dad keep saying they can not believe how fast it has gone by. I am now weighing 8 pounds 10 oz. and measuring 21 inches long. I do a lot of eating and sleeping but here are a few other things about me at 1 month:
* I enjoy my play mat and will stay content for a good while.
* I LOVE the car, mom and dad seem happy with this.
* I love to be held and cuddled up tight in my blanket.
* I am still not loving a pacifier, but am slowly getting the hang of it.
* I do not mind having my diaper changed or getting a bath, it took a few but I am enjoying them now.
* I have now slept through the night for the past three nights. Mom and dad keep crossing their fingers that I will keep this up.
* I am starting to smile, mom keeps trying to catch it on camera but has not been able to yet.
* Everyone keeps telling me how much I look like my daddy, and mom keeps saying I might have his personality as well.. something about how I can't stand to be still, I love to move, rock, and swing.

1 comment:

TheWhiteHouse said...

oh my gosh I'm so jealous! Ave is close to sleeping through the night but only does it occasionally. I hope E keeps it up!!