Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Happy 6 Months!

Happy 6 Months
16 lbs 15 oz (50th percentile)
26 3/4 inches (75th percentile)
97th percentile for head -- just like all the Capps Babies! : )

To My Little One:

Can it really be? 6 months already? I feel like we were just bringing you home from the hospital last week! You are such a blessing to daddy and I, and you bring us so much joy each and every day! You have a smile that can light up a room and brighten anyone’s day! I love to get you out of your crib in the morning and see your sweet smile greeting me. You are becoming quite a good sleeper; you are sleeping from 8-8 and these past few days have been sleeping in till 9 (but I am not going to get used to it!!) You are still not the greatest napper, you enjoy being up during the day and usually take 2-3 short naps, each about an hour to hour ½. I was really trying to get you to sleep longer, but I am not going to stress because you are always a pleasant baby regardless of how long you nap, so I do not mind. We have started to give you solids and you are enjoying all the new foods. You love apples, pears, green peas, sweet potatoes and carrots. I have not given you anything yet that you do not like (I hope this continues...) We have started to use a sippy cup and you love to hold it and chew on it, but still cannot figure out how to drink out of it. You love to stand and have gotten very good at the army crawl. You are pretty fast and if I don’t watch out you will get in to all sorts of things! You are starting to get up on your knees and hands, and I know it will just be a matter of time before you are really crawling, you are already attempting to pull up on things and I am just trying to brace myself for what’s to come! You love to laugh and you are very much a daddy’s girl. You love music and love to hear daddy play his guitar and sing to you! You are a very talkative little girl, you jabber and have started this growling sound! You love to squeal and see how loud you can make your voice! You are a very strong little girl and you definitely keep us on our toes!

Words cannot explain how humbled I am daily that God choose me to be your mom! You are a true gift of grace and I am grateful to God for you! I pray that Christ will quickly save you and use you for His glory. I hope that you see that your dad and I love you and give you the best that we have to offer, but more than that I want you to know that Christ is so much better than us! I pray that you will learn to make much of Him and live each day for Him and His glory!

We love you and only look forward to more milestones and happy times with you! We love you our Emersyn Grace! Happy 6 Months!



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